I offered shelter in place tips in my first Pepper book, but I wanted to expand on them especially heading into hurricane season. To be prepared for a mandatory evacuation have a look at my blog post Prepper Tip… Mandatory Evacuation List.
Generator: A generator is used as a backup power source during emergencies or when there is a power outage. When sheltering in place, it is important to have a generator on hand to provide electricity for essential appliances or devices. Think refrigerator. However, it is crucial never to place the generator inside the house to prevent the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Generators should be operated outdoors in a well-ventilated area, away from doors, windows, and vents.
Fuel: It is important to have an adequate supply of fuel to ensure that essential devices can function during an emergency. This can include gasoline for vehicles or generators, propane for cooking on a two-burner cookstove or lanterns, and butane for lighters. Don’t forget to store fuel safely in approved containers and in a well-ventilated area away from potential ignition sources.
Two burner cookstove and propane: A two-burner cookstove is a useful tool during sheltering in place when the regular cooking facilities may not be available. Propane is the fuel commonly used for these types of stoves. Propane canisters or tanks should be stored and handled with caution, following safety guidelines, and should never be used or stored indoors.
Flashlights & batteries: Flashlights are essential during power outages or when moving around in dark areas. It is important to have working flashlights and a supply of batteries available during sheltering in place to ensure visibility and safety. I keep several in various rooms in my house and they come in handy more often than you would expect.
Lanterns & candles: Lanterns and candles can provide additional lighting when electricity is not available. Lanterns powered by batteries or propane can be used as a safer alternative to candles. I love scented candles and keep them around my house with a lighter nearby this way I never have to go looking for any.
Fully charge all electronics and have extra chargers on hand: During sheltering in place, it is important to have electronic devices fully charged to maintain communication, access information, and stay connected. This includes mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and other essential electronic devices. Having extra chargers or portable power banks on hand ensures that you can recharge devices even if power is unavailable.
Have cash on hand: During emergencies, electronic payment systems may not be operational. Having cash on hand allows you to make necessary purchases or transactions when other payment methods are unavailable. It is advisable to keep a reasonable amount of cash in small denominations to meet immediate needs.
Bottled water: Access to clean drinking water may be disrupted during emergencies or sheltering in place situations. It is important to have an adequate supply of bottled water available for drinking, cooking, and sanitation purposes. Plan for at least one gallon of water per person per day for a minimum of three days.
Medications: Ensure you have an ample supply of necessary medications for yourself and your family members. It is advisable to stock up on prescription medications and don’t forget over-the-counter remedies that may be needed during a prolonged period of sheltering in place.
Pet food and medicine: If you have pets, it is important to have an adequate supply of pet food and any necessary medications or treatments. Consider their dietary and medical needs when preparing for sheltering in place to ensure the well-being of your pets.
Portable radio: Okay, you have your phones and devices charged so why do you need a radio? Without cable or Internet connection you are in the dark and if it goes down for any reason a portable radio will help you stay informed.
Baby supplies: Extra essential baby items (ex: diapers, formula, baby food etc.) are a must to stock up on if serious weather is headed your way. There is no telling when next you will be able to get to a store.
Snacks: If you are prepper, you are probably already stocked up on your family’s favorite snacks, but it doesn’t hurt to get extra ones. Snacks are often the first items along with bread, milk, and eggs, that stores run out of before a storm. They come in handy for kids and adults alike.
Entertainment: You are left with no cable or Internet, no electricity. So how does everyone survive? Make sure you have an assortment of books and magazines. Pull out those board games, coloring books & crayons. Don’t forget craft supplies. And don’t forget good old-fashioned storytelling. See who can come up with the spookiest, funniest, or most interesting story.
Keep this list handy and refer to it if you ever need to shelter in place.
Until next time… stay prepped & prepared!