Prepping Tip… Finding the Space!

Easy start!
It’s easy to start prepping and you don’t need a ton of money to do it. And you don’t have to run out and buy tons of stuff. You start slow and build and before you know it you have yourself a nice surplus in case of an emergency.
You never know what’s going to happen. Even a job loss of one partner or both leaves you vulnerable until one or both find another job. But being prepped means you won’t go without food during that difficult time. Not to mention major disasters and what they can bring.
Right now, lets get you started on being prepped and prepared!
Finding the space!
Some people dive right in and buy tons of stuff and store it without thought or reason. That isn’t being prepped and prepared. First you want to make sure you have storage space for prepping. Where are you going to store all the extra cans, bottles, boxes, paper towels, toilet paper and more that you will eventually accumulate?
Found spaces.
Cabinets that are holding items mostly gathering dust since you haven’t used them in years and probably never will. Clean them out. Sell or donate the items you no longer want or need.
Closets that collect a lot of unnecessary stuff, including things you haven’t worn in years and probably no longer fit. Donate what you can, repurpose some, and get rid of the rest. Add some shelves, if needed, and lighting, wireless under cabinet lighting is a quick fix for that, so you can see everything clearly.
Basement! You can always find a spot in the basement to place utility racks just make sure it’s secure to the wall especially if you have young children. You don’t want it to topple over if one of the kids decide to climb on it.
Garage and shelves are synonymous. You can store your bulky items there, paper towels, toilet paper, packs of water, and more. Utility shelves would work, or you could build your own.

Bathroom closets and under the bathroom sink are usually overlooked storage spaces. You can store your extra soap, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotions, hair products so you have them right where you need them. I keep a basket of my soap stored in the bottom of my linen closet. All I need to do is grab the handle and pull it out when it’s time to wash the floor. But any type of container would work just as well.
Laundry Room
Shelves! Shelves and more shelves. Not only can you store your laundry supplies there, but you could store you cleaning supplies as well.
Don’t panic!
You’re not going to do this all at once. Simply take stock of where you can expand as your prepping expands so you’re prepared when the time comes that you need more space. Start small with a shelf in a cabinet or a whole cabinet. Also start rearranging items in other spaces you intend to use. Being prepped and prepared can save you time and cut down on frustration and anxiety of what some may think of as a daunting task. But tackling it piece by piece will bring you peace, knowing you’re prepped and prepared for any emergency.
If flooding concerns you or just to be on the safe side, make sure you keep all your prepping stock up high enough off the floor. You don’t want to lose what you are going to need. And you don’t want to be running around at the last-minute moving things around. Remember, it’s all about being prepped and prepared.
I hope this helps you in your journey into prepping. Watch for more prepping tips.
If you have any questions just ask or if you have any of your own prepping tips, please feel free to share them in the comment section.
Now I’m off to investigate what’s going on at Willow Lake Lodge. Whoever is moving in next door is going to be my closest neighbor and I’m curious. I hope you’re curious enough to reader my first mystery adventure, Pepper, the Highlander, & the Dead Guy. Available for pre-order. There are more prepping tips in the book as well. And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter!
Until next time,
Remember my mantra… prepped & prepared!
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