Donna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna FletcherDonna Fletcher

Soup Recipes & Tips on Freezing Soup!

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I love the autumn and winter. It’s the two best seasons for soup! Whether simmering all day in a crock pot or bubbling in a big pot on the stove, I love making soup. I enjoy dicing up the ingredients, adding savory herbs, and waiting for the first scent of the delicious blend to tempt my nose and tummy.

It’s always great to have extra homemade soup on hand. So, cook up a big batch and freeze some. The soup will come in handy on those days you just don’t feel like cooking, or you don’t have enough time to throw a meal together. Take the soup out of the freezer in the morning to defrost in the fridge or the night before if you know it’s going to be a hectic day and it will be ready to heat for supper.


Tips for Freezing soup!

Soup can be frozen up to 3 months. Make sure you date the container.

Cool soup completely before freezing it.

Portion your soup and label… 1 serving, 2 serving, and so forth.

Defrost soup before cooking it.

Cook until piping hot.

Don’t freeze soups with starchy elements. They turn gummy. Cook rice, noodles, quinoa, etc. to have ready to add when your defrosted soup is ready to heat.

Dairy soups are on my do not freeze list. They don’t reheat well. They turn grainy from being frozen.

Leave off garnishes and add once reheated.



You’re bound to find a soup you’ll like at 100 Best Soups. They’ve got some great ones. There is nothing like a hot bowl of soup and a crusty slice of bread or cornbread on a cold winter day. I love to heat some soup up, wrap myself up in a comfy blanket, and enjoy my soup while watching a good movie.

Until next time stay prepped & prepared!


Categories: recipes